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The Trauma Center is designed to enable trained professionals in the mental health field to acquire precise and practical tools to be able to heal trauma, strengthen boundaries and address issues such as depression, anxiety, and anger management.

Gilla Halevi is a highly experienced and successful therapist with decades of work in the field. Throughout the years she has founded and perfected a unique system, which she termed '3 to Resilience'.


This system is meticulously designed to fortify clients psychological boundaries and empower them to confront and overcome trauma and challenges like depression, anxiety, and anger issues with sustainable tools that resonate throughout their lives.

After seeing the gaps in the mental health field, and working closely with therapists as well as clients who had been in therapy for years before meeting her, it became clear that there were tools and concepts missing in the process.

Upon observing time and again how the term boundaries was abstract and vague, how it was unclear when and how to assert those boundaries, or how to get out of the cycle of victimization and stop lashing out at others or even how to cut the yoyo in regards to co-dependency was all so perplexing and confusing.


That's when Gilla Halevi decided to open The Trauma Center and extend her expertise beyond her clients to professionals looking for that missing piece and to clear up all that confusion.

3 To Resilience is a very defined and systematic approach that gives clear direction. These training programs are tailored for therapists feeling constrained by traditional methods or seeking breakthroughs after hitting walls time and again, by imparting tangible therapeutic strategies that foster lasting change.

Gilla Halevi's approach combines Somatic Release, CBT, and 3 to Resilience to form a powerful combination that delves into the realms of the reptilian brain and subconscious mind, harnessing trauma as a catalyst for strength and resilience, while cultivating a boundary-strong existence for clients.

Participants in Gilla Halevi's courses are taught how to overcome roadblocks with clear and precise tools. By eradicating rather than merely managing conditions like depression, clients emerge resilient and grateful for life-altering transformations, reclaiming their true selves from the shadows of trauma.

Numerous practitioners have attested to the profound impact of these practical and specific tools, experiencing newfound efficacy in their practices.

These courses will bump your therapy up to new heights.


Mother and Daughter Love


Gilla Halevi 


Gilla Halevi is a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner and CBT therapist. She developed 3 To Resilience which is a unique approach used in therapy to strengthen boundaries and develop long-term resilience. Gilla is highly experienced in the field of trauma and boundary work and has seen many lives transformed due to her work in the field.


The information and video's on this site are not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any mental or emotional problems. They are for educational purposes only. Please seek appropriate counsel/ therapy according to your individual needs. 

2019 Gilla Halevi ©

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